Certified Dog Groomer



Did you know that there are no mandatory educational/licensing requirements needed to become a professional dog groomer in California?

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However, every state is different. New Jersey is the only state (as of now) to adopt new legislation that will require dog groomers to become state licensed. It's called Bijou's Law. The story started with an owner who brought their dog, Bijou into a pet store. She received a phone call that her dog had died. Upon further investigation, the owner learned that groomers are not required to be license or to obtain any certification.

This may come to a shock for all pet lovers, but this isn't to scare you away from all groomers or to never bring your pets in for grooming. This is more of an awareness and to educate people. I believe the best type of referrals are always through word of mouth. Just like with any occupation, there are people that genuinely care and then there are people that go after your checkbook.

I understand how much people care about their pets. Pets these days are not only pets. They are family members too, and they play a big part of our lives. If you’re still uncertain on where to take your dog in for grooming or more importantly, who you can trust and have peace of mind that your dog is in good hands-look no further! Last year I became a certified dog groomer and recently obtained my AKC S.A.F.E. Grooming Certificate through a seminar at Groom Expo West. I am very proud of my accomplishments and how far I’ve come. These certificates are the beginning to many more new adventures and opportunities.

Read more here: https://www.bijousbill.com/
Read more here: https://www.akc.org/products-services/akc-safe-grooming-program/