Summer Safety Tips


Summer time is the best time because it calls for more sunshine, walks, parks, beaches, and outdoor time exploring with our pups! The weather’s getting warming and summer is here, so here are some tips for pet parents to keep in mind.

Pupwash 911 - Bella on beach

1. Grooming is a necessity
Any dog, big or small will benefit from grooming. Short coated dogs and double coated dogs need a good deshedding treatment (brushing, raking, removing dead hair) to get rid of the undercoat. Hairy and curly dogs need brushing and/or shaving away mats, tangles, and knots which will aid with circulation and helps regulate your pup’s body temperature. Even a nice bath will freshen up any pup’s skin and coat making them look and feel fresh, clean, and smelling good.

2. Slather on sunscreen
Did you know dog’s also need sunscreen to protect their skin? Hairless, short haired dog breeds, and light colored dogs are more susceptible to burning, especially the ears and the belly. Always use a pet-friendly safe sunscreen and rub it over all exposed areas. The sunscreen comes in various forms: cream, spray, or easy to apply roll-on stick formula.

3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
It is extremely important to have water on hand at all times during hot, humid days to avoid dehydration. Always bring a portable water bowl for your pup, especially if you are going for long walks and/or hikes with your pup. Feeding frozen treats, ice cubes, and a cooling mat can also help cool your pup’s down.

4. Take morning or evening walks
Take your pup on a daily stroll during early morning or evening hours which will help you and your pup avoid the midday sun and heat. Keep in mind to have your pup off hot pavement. The black asphalt attract the sun’s UV rays and traps heat, which makes the surface temperature extremely burning hot. The hot pavement could easily burn your pup’s paw pads. Pro tip: Place your hand on the asphalt, if it’s too hot then it is definitely too hot for your pup’s paw pads.

5. Flea and tick treatment
Make sure your pup is on proper flea medication because these insects thrive in warm temperatures. Depending on where you live, certain areas are more prone to ticks. It’s a good idea to have a flea comb, flea shampoo and/or spray on hand. Pro tip: Using flea shampoo does NOT prevent fleas from jumping back on your pup, so please make sure to treat your home as well.

Any other safety tips that we are missing? Please let us know and share your favorites with us down below!